9月30-10月4日 | Models of Consciousness 2024会议通知


Models of Consciousness 2024 will be held at the University of Bamberg from September 30 to October 4, 2024. The conference is organized by the Association for  Mathematical Consciousness Science which is located in Germany.

The scientific study of consciousness is a young and thriving field, encompassing empirical and theoretical research of multiple disciplines. This conference aims to bring together researchers whose scientific activity relates to the theoretical and mathematical foundations of this field and to thereby promote the study and creation of models of consciousness and formal approaches to the mind-matter relation.

This year is the fifth year for the conference series, and Prof. Robert Prentner in the Institute of Humanities at ShanghaiTech is one of the co-organizers.

Here is a quick video of the conference, and please click the link to read more information about the conference.
