



资助说明:W30和GlobalizationTrendlab项目包学费、项目资料费和住宿费(或加餐费),旅费可申请桑坦德银行和上科大的Mobility of Young Faculty & Researchers资助;W50项目不在Mobilityof Young Faculty & Researchers资助之列;BIARI项目费用全包。详见每个项目的说明。


桑坦德银行和上科大Mobility of Young Faculty & Researchers资助一年4个名额。具体资助方式由学校决定,另行实施。


SantanderBank supports a number of prestigious universities worldwide and a globaluniversity network (Santander Universities) is formed. ShanghaiTech Universityis one of the partners of Santander Bank, enjoying the privilege to participatein the programs organized by SantanderUniversities members and the funding thatSantander set up in ShanghaiTechThe following four programs are now open forapplication. 


Pleasenote: W30 and Globalization Trendlab include tuition cost, program materials, accommodation(or with food), and the travel expenses can be funded by the Santander Bank-ShanghaiTechMobility of Young Faculty & Researchers, while W50 is not funded. BIARIalready pays for all expenses. Please refer to the description of each programsfor more information.


TheSantander Bank-ShanghaiTech Mobility of Young Faculty & Researcherssponsors four ShanghaiTech participants each year. The selection will bedecided by the university and announced separately.  

项目一:BancoSantander W30 Program, by UCLA Anderson School of Management



The 2016edition of the W30 Program, which is organized by the Anderson School ofManagement at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). The programwill take place from June 27 to June 30, 2016.

The W30Program was launched in 2013 and has more than 90 alumnae from universitiesbelonging to the Santander network.

W30 is designed to prepare womencurrently in university faculty and administration for leadership positions ofincreasing responsibility within higher education.

The W30candidates should go to the website (listed above) and fill out the onlineapplication. English proficiency is required. Due to the strong interestin this program, admittance is highly selective. UCLA Anderson handles theselection process and will directly contact all applicants with their decision.

The program includes tuition costs, program materials andaccommodations. Participants will stay at a hotel near campus. Although travelcosts are excluded from the W30 program, you can usethe sponsorship of Santander Universities China regarding “Mobility ofYoung faculty & researchers”. Details will be sent to participants oncethey have been admitted to the program.

The deadline for application is March 15, 2016


项目二:BancoSantander W50 Program, by UCLA Anderson School of Management



The 2016edition of the W50 Program, which is organized by the Anderson School ofManagement at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). The programwill take place from June 26 to July 1, 2016.

UCLA’s highlysuccessful W50 Program was launched in 2011 and has more than 270 alumnae fromuniversities belonging to the Santander network.

W50 is designed for women — between 35-40 years old — who exhibitstrong leadership skills, high professional potential and will become the nextgeneration of global women leaders as board members. 

The W50 isaimed at business professionals.

The W50candidates should go to website (listed above) and fill out the onlineapplication. English proficiency is required. Due to the strong interestin this program, admittance is highly selective. UCLA Anderson handles theselection process and will directly contact all applicants with their decision.

The program includes tuition costs, program materials andaccommodations. Travel costs are excluded. Participants will stay at ahotel near campus. Details will be sent to participants once they have beenadmitted to the program.

The deadline for application is March 15, 2016.

*请注意:W30W50项目的网上报名需要校方的Letterof Nomination,申请人请先取得所在院所/办公室的领导推荐信,交至国际合作处,学校审核同意后可开具Letter of Nomination

*Please note: The application of W30 and W50 requires a Letter of Nomination from the university. Office of International Affairs will issue the Letter of Nomination upon receiving a Recommendation Letter from your deans/directors of the School/Institute/Office.

项目三:Brown International Advanced Research Institutes (BIARI), by Brown UniversityWatson Institute of International & Public Affairs

The eighth year of the Brown InternationalAdvanced Research Institutes (BIARI) will take place from June 4-18,2016. This initiative convenes early-career scholars and practitioners fromaround the world to address pressing global issues through collaboration acrossacademic, professional, and geographic boundaries. The ideal participant is anemerging star in their field, someone who has received their Ph.D. or otheradvanced degree within the last five years, and is conversant with English.

BIARI pays for all of the expenses, including airfare, lodging,and food, with the support from Santander Universities and Brown University.

For details of the program please see the brochure attached: BIARI 2016 Brochure

The deadline to apply is January 12, 2016.


项目四:GlobalizationTrendLab 2016: “Water: Scarcity, Excess, and the Geopolitics of Allocation”, byThe Lauder Institute, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia


2016 edition of the Globalization TrendLab2016 entitled, “Water: Scarcity, Excess, and the Geopolitics of Allocation.” Theprogram is presented by The Lauder Institute, Wharton School, University ofPennsylvania, and sponsored by Santander Universities US. The program will takeplace on March 21-24, 2016. The working language is English.

The LauderInstitute invites applications from faculty and researchers affiliated with theglobal network of Santander Universities for a four-day workshop andconference. The Globalization TrendLab at the Lauder Institute and The WhartonSchool seeks to generate new knowledge and analysis on the problems andopportunities inherent to a global economy through annual academic conferenceslinking highly respected global scholars and practitioners. The sixth workshopand conference will focus on the theme of Water: Scarcity, Excess, and theGeopolitics of Allocation. 

For details of the program please see the flyer attached: Trendlab Flyer

As inprevious years, hotel and select meals will be covered for participants.Further information regarding accommodations will be provided upon admissionnotification to the conference. Although travel costs are excluded from the Globalization TrendLab 2016 program, youcan use the sponsorship of Santander Universities China regarding “Mobility ofYoung Faculty & Researchers”.

Due to thenumber of applications the Lauder Institute will select the finalparticipants.

The application deadline is February 1, 2016.


肖茵,国际合作处  Xiao Yin, Office of International Affairs


Tuesday ~ Friday: 403, Admin. Building, 100 Haike Road

Email: xiaoyin@shanghaitech.edu.cn  T: 20685146
